Monday, March 03, 2008

More late night fun

This should be pretty short; I have class in the morning. So I'm kind of depressed that I missed Wilco on SNL this past Saturday. Why does SNL have to be on at 11:30 on Saturday night? Does NBC not realize how inconvenient that is?

Anyhow, although I missed out on Wilco on TV, I'm certainly not short on music. Turns out I do have A Ghost Is Born; apparently I burned it to iTunes instead of Windows Media Player. Which sparks a whole 'nother issue with me: Why do people think iTunes is so great? Or, for that matter, iPhones, iPods, iBooks, or any other Mac product? I may not think too highly of Windows or Microsoft, but at least they're productive and good at what they do. Honestly, Apple can't come up with their own word processing software? It has to be "Microsoft Word for Macs?" How weak is that? But aside from that...

Apple releases the MacBook Air, to much hype and celebration. It's the lightest laptop ever, it's super, yay yay yay etcetera. Meanwhile, Lenovo is over here being amazing, and no one gives a crap. Except the New York Times, which was busy also being amazing.

But enough ranting against Apple. They suck, Steve Jobs knows it, and so does the rest of the computer literate world. Not that I'm biased or anything.

Besides, I'd much rather own this.


achilles3 said...

I bought a Lenovo last year and it is awesome!

joey said...

iTunes is terrible. the only thing it had on wmp was the instant results search thing, but wmp added that in 11 (maybe 10...) so wmp ftw!

personally, being a bit of an audiophile who likes zoning to sweet vizualizations, i have the DFX 8 and GeForce Platinum plugins also. it bogs down the memory even more than usual, but its glorious.