It's pretty much the accepted norm for me now: get to the dorm room late, get online. Blog. Go to bed about an hour later than I intended to. Tonight the regimen of procrastination (which I feel doesn't really count, since it is Friday night) included watching Sweeney Todd (the new one).
I honestly have to say I was surprised. It was decent enough; not spectacular, and of course I have issues with the singing. But as a movie, it was pretty good. Ignoring the fact that Angela Lansbury is amazing and Helena Bonham Carter can't sing, it was enjoyable enough. Plus, Alan Rickman saying "Mister Todd" in the exact same tone of voice he uses when playing Snape and saying "Mister Potter" was hilarious.
Other distractions this evening included the fact that Reds tickets go on sale tomorrow. The only reason I'm interested is because the Red Sox will be in Cincinnati in June, and I've got my fingers crossed for good seats. Worst comes to worst, I'll be there for batting practice. I'm so excited for this...I love seeing the Sox play. So far I haven't been to Fenway (although being in New England for the next four years may change that), but I've seen them in Cleveland and Detroit. Both times I've seen them play in person, they've won. Against the perennially hapless Reds, they should have no problem continuing that streak. But of course I'm getting ahead of myself. I shouldn't be making predictions so early in the season.
One prediction I am willing to make, however (look at me segue!) is that there will be lots and lots of snow tomorrow. The most conservative estimate I've seen has a minimum of six inches forecast; the highest I've seen the forecast get is sixteen inches. Either way, lots of snow.
Listening to Wilco right now; Impossible Germany. Without question my favorite song from Sky Blue Sky, although Walken is up there. I enjoy all the songs on the album, but this one is indisputably my favorite. I'm kind of disappointed that the station library is low on Wilco, and that I forgot to burn A Ghost Is Born before leaving after break. Wait, nevermind. I did burn Ghost Is Born. Silly me. No, checked again. I have some, but not all. Muzzle of Bees, for example, is sadly absent from my library.
It's just barely past midnight, so I think I'll turn in. Read in bed, go to sleep eventually. The heat is on, though just barely, and the room is still cold. Ah well. Lots of stuff to do tomorrow; hockey game to go to, dancing, eating, drinking. By which I of course mean water. Water. Or snow, scooped directly from my window here on the second story. That much snow would be scary...
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