The fun just never ends here at Camp Colby. Today was a blessed day, given the fact that I HAD NO CLASS! We were given the day off from math, after a truly exhausting exam last night (It took me an hour and a half, and I truly believe I did well...I was one of the first to leave). Italian was canceled, for the second day in a row, because the professor is sick. So, long story short, all that was on the table for me today was working for a couple hours in the afternoon. Yay!
Last night I went door to door gathering votes for the election next week. I think I have a good chance of winning, which makes me happy. It would make it a heck of a lot easier on me with the room draw for next year. In a choice between living in the gardens, which is subsidized off campus, and living chem free, I would take chem free any day.
Today was a good day in general, highlighted by sleeping in until ten thirty, but also because it allowed me to catch up on work. Aside from an Italian test later in the week, this week is over. Hallelujah. This weekend is doghead, which bodes well, and the weekend after that is BREAK! I can hardly wait...I'll be reading for pleasure without stop, which promises to be awesome. And with daylight savings time in full swing, it's light out until six, almost six thirty now! I can hardly believe it's four thirty right now, it's so light out. It's beautiful.
I will be having Seth York on the radio show on Thursday; I got approval from my "boss," and the publicity agent called me back. It'll be pretty much right at the beginning of the show, and probably after eight thirty the show will be normal random music again. I may be celebrating St Patrick's Day, with some Chieftans and Gaelic Storm, and anything else I can get my hands on. Should be loads of fun, so listen in.
I've been borrowing a tea kettle to make real tea lately, and it's as dark as the pits of hell and amazingly good. This translates to me being caffeinated a good portion of the day, but sadly only on days when I have time to make tea. So, not on days when I have class and would actually need it. I was falling asleep in chemistry yesterday, and one of my friends, sitting behind me, leaned forward to whisper my name until I woke up. Which I did, and said something vulgar that was probably, in retrospect, far too loud. Oh well.
Today at work I learned how to lift boxes properly. Seems simple enough, right? Well, apparently not. You apparently should not look down at what you're lifting, lift straight from the ground, or lift anything over thirty pounds. This comes as news to me, who has spent nearly three years carrying sixty pound dogs around. Oops. Unresolved is the question of whether or not cracking your back does irreparable damage. I'm guessing no.
Tonight will be fun; a Nobel Prize winning speaker is coming. F Sherwood Rowland, professor of chemistry at UC Irvine, will be speaking on "Our Changing Atmosphere." I'm excited and will probably get there very early, as it will likely be crowded. Also very neat is this. A Colby graduate, he'll be conducting three spacewalks, including helping make repairs to Hubble. Something about his education seems oddly familiar...maybe I could be an astronaut some day (if the space program is still around).
Right now I'm going to see when people are planning on eating dinner. BMR rehearsal later tonight. Fun fun!
1 comment:
The linked article says Linnehan "attended" Colby and UNH. Did he have to go to UNH to get his grades up to get into vet school? Though it's probably not uncommon, that's a path you should avoid taking. I'm just saying...
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