I'm awake, although I don't know why. Last night I was awake, but it was because I drank tea at ten thirty. Turns out that was a mistake...although I did manage to work on my biology paper at four in the morning. Reading JR Moehringer's book "The Tender Bar" now. Turns out that browsing the library is a mixed blessing; I picked up lots of books, which is good, but I probably won't finish half of them, which is sort of bad. However, spring break is coming up. That seems like an ideal time to catch up on reading.
BMR is getting more intense; the performances are just a little over two weeks from now and rehearsals are getting longer and singing and choreography is being perfected. I need costumes...how I'll manage to get those remains a mystery to me. I'll probably make a friend drive me around...sometimes I wish I had a car here. But why pay for gas to get around when there are others who will do it for you? Hey, you're going to Walmart? Can I come along? Cool.
Campaigning for president will begin in earnest this evening. I have one competitor, but also several people who have promised their votes. (That doesn't include you, Lakes). If all goes well, as hopefully it will, I'll manage to pull a victory out.
I was in a music video today; some local teen named Seth York with his publicists trying to get him signed. They tried to make about twenty students look like a packed concert hall...interesting concept, not sure about how it worked. Then they asked if anyone was involved with the radio station. I volunteered that I have a show. They asked if Seth could go on it; I said sure, I just need to clear it with my superiors. And so...if approval is had, I'll be having a guest on the program this Thursday. I'm not sure if the publicist realized that eight to ten in the morning is not a prime time for listeners...I did make sure to tell her about the time. I hope she picked up on it. She has my number; it's a classic "don't call us, we'll call you." I'm not sure if I regret offering to host...as long as it's okay by my superiors, I'm okay with it. At least if it doesn't get approved, and I can't come through, nothing can happen to me. Alright, so I'm a bit paranoid. But I hate going back on my word, and I'd hate to disappoint. I did make sure not to accept their CD and publicity packet, so if I do have to refuse them, I won't have anything they can hold against me. Okay...I'm going to stop thinking about it now, and just hope for the best. But again, what if I get called this evening, and I haven't heard yet if I can have him on the show? Is it okay to put them off for another day? Argh...too much worry.
At least I can concentrate on something else to worry about...a calculus midterm tomorrow (today, actually). I'm not worried about what I'll get on it, I'm just dreading it in general. I spent about twelve hours doing math review this weekend, so I shouldn't have any trouble with it (but that much math in two days, especially a weekend, just sucks).
Oh well. Next week is going to be a breeze compared to this one and last week. And this weekend is Doghead. Fun times :)
Oh, and the picture is one of many that popped up when I Googled "random shit" in the image search. It was one of the cleaner pictures...
And another aside: I am officially in love with the following songs: Seventeen Dirty Magazines, Cue the Strings, Mutiny I Promise You, Feeling Yourself Disintegrate, and many others. It's not a problem that most of my music comes from my mother.
Um... now just who added the flaming lips cd?
Um... now just who added the flaming lips cd?
A. I am a super delegate in your dorm.
2. Tell that clown and the kid who plays music that you'll need a copy of his music to decide if he can come on.
III. I got most my musical tastes from my mother so rock that fact right on!
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