Thursday, February 28, 2008

Gee willikers!

Cincinnati makes the news again, this time on the Colbert Report. Why, you innocently ask? Oh, just because Bill Cunningham is a giant ass and McCain had the decency to avoid attacking Barack Hussein Obama. Funny how Cunningham didn't go all the way and just point out that Obama sounds "alarmingly" like Osama...good thing he's got Republican buddies to do that for him.

After watching the debate from last night, though, I have to say that Obama is continuing to turn me off slightly. I definitely like what he wants to do, I just want to hear some details. When placed next to Hillary, who goes into detail about everything, Obama's message of "change for change's sake" seems a little bit weak. Just a little bit...still, my ballot's in the mail with the little oval next to his name blacked in, so a little late for second guessing.

No class tomorrow, but there will be a radio show at 8 in the morning, so if you have time to listen, please do so. I'm toying with the idea of a show next semester based entirely on songs from musicals...the only problem would be getting hold of all the music. Oh, and finding people who would listen to two hours of musical numbers. Sigh...Broadway Musical Revue is progressing nicely, and is tons of fun. It's like show choir, except not sparkly. Apparently sparkly is not a word in my Firefox dictionary...odd.


Anonymous said...

Here's a playlist for your show:
Personally, I think your plan to torture listeners with two hours of show tunes is more sinister, and a little sparkly.

achilles3 said...

I love the idea of musical tunes!

As for your obama gripe---
if you want specifics read

TV debates isn't intended for "real"'s for commercials and crap.