Which translates to about seven bucks a week, which is pretty poor. Good thing I've got a job. Even if that job exposes me to pretty much every illness going around campus at the moment. Friday I was working register, and probably should have taken note of the fact that half the regular staff was out sick. Then I took cash from a large number of coughing and sneezing students. Of course, by Friday I was already feeling under the weather, so perhaps I picked it up Thursday. Again, I blame work. If the people I was working with and around had something...it went to me. Lucky me.
Oh well...I'm nearly over it, and I only lost one weekend. Instead of going hiking at Bigelow I went to a men's hockey game with some friends, and discovered how much more violent (and popular) it is in comparison to women's hockey. And how many drunken idiots showed up...taunting the opposing team's goalie was a favorite reprise for the group behind us. In the evening we watched "A Clockwork Orange," making it twice that I've seen the movie. It's a trippy little thing, but amazing. Check this out...also hilarious.
Today was fun; math in the morning, BMR in the afternoon, Italian and the Oscars in the evening. I love the Coen brothers' mannerisms...and that they won three Oscars and the film won four. And John Stewart is quite a guy, bringing Marketa Irglova back out like that. "That guy is arrogant..." way to go, John.
Also this evening was a battle royale for the ages...soon to be immortalized on Youtube...a truly fantastic rap battle between two friends. As soon as it goes on Youtube, it comes up here as well. It's hilarious...and even more so when you realize it's in dead earnest. No better way to spend Sunday night, in my opinion.
Speaking of spending time well, the dorm has just started a game of Assassins, in which the goal is to hook a clothespin to your designated target without him/her noticing you. The only problem with the game is that it makes people horribly suspicious...ah well. It should be amazing...I only hope I have the opportunity to take some people out of the game.
I'm listening to Carbon Leaf right now, a truly amazing group. They will certainly make an appearance on the radio show, which, by the way, will be from 8-10 AM at WMHB Waterville, 89.7 FM, or online here. I'm sharing the air again with Annie, so the show should be pretty much identical to last month.
Since opening day is less than a month away now (or exactly a month, I'm not really sure which...), some Red Sox news. Tito has been signed for three more years, which in my opinion is a wonderful decision. He's a great guy, a great manager, and he plays cribbage. What more could you want? Also on the agenda was the signing of Bartolo Colon. On one hand, I love that it was to a minor league contract, which is hilarious for a guy just two years post Cy Young. On the other hand (what a stupid idiom that is...), he's truly awful now, post injury and general suckage. I believe he was 6-8 last year for the Angels...but of course, he's just padding in case something goes awfully wrong. Schilling, meanwhile, is being an egotistical ass, talking about "medical egos" and other bull. The man is old, he's injured, and he's an ass. Is there really any more reason to keep him around?
On a slightly related note, I'll be keeping a tradition (three years now!) of having a fantasy baseball team. If any readers would like to join, I'm contemplating a standard rotary on CBS fantasy, which has been good for the past couple years. Last year I tried head to head, which although entertaining I really didn't warm to. So I'm going back to rotary, with a goal of winning my second straight rotary title (I placed second in the H2H league). So if anyone's interested...
That's all for me for now...I do have class in the morning. Hopefully I'll be feeling tip top in the morning, but in the more likely event that I won't be, I'll just have to suck it up. Tomorrow is the day from hell - starting at nine and going through six without a break - lots of fun indeed.
I've now progressed to Queen and We Will Rock You, and now Ride of the Valkyries. Such motivational music! It's actually in a Seeqpod playlist labeled "Debate Music," which also contains Dope, Jet and DJ Doboy. And of course Crazy Frog and Remember the Name. Such great music.
To wrap up: class is long but good, radio show Thursdays 8-10 AM, music is good, Red Sox are looking perfect, being sick sucks, a rap battle between two whiter than white Colby kids is absolutely hilarious, and I'm running around with a clothespin trying to avoid other people with clothespins. Just a normal day/week/month/semester/school year here at Camp Colby. Speaking of which...oh G-d. I'll save that for another time. Sleep awaits!
But first...sigh. One more thing. I went to a dinner with an Army recruiter last week. Not to sign up for anything, but because I was interested in what he had to say. He was a medical recruiter and was talking about the Army Health Professions Scholarship Program. Basically, they pay for med/dental/vet school, and ask that you serve active duty for the same number of years as you took the scholarship for. Not a terrible deal...not the most attractive one out there, but it had me thinking. Nevertheless, the decision is years from now. First I have to be accepted to med/dental/vet school...I'll concentrate on that part and worry about the rest later. I did get some cool freebies, though - a daily planner for the year, a pen, some panphlets, and best of all, the 2005 Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy. It's actually really cool, seeing what's recommended to treat just about anything you could think of.
BED! NOW! I've achieved a kind of transient state of mind where I think the words and they appear on the screen - my hands are moving, but all I see are the words appearing, and all I hear is Wagner. BUT...
BED. I'll find a picture to attach to this, and go to bed. Accompanied by the sounds of Richard Burton, Robert Goulet, and Julie Andrews. Name the link!
no more speed for you
So now you refer to your current residence as Camp Colby?
I'll bet the recruiter loved your hair. See what the manual says about bicillin (hint: if they offer you a shot of bicillin vs. a course of amoxicillin for strep, take the pills).
debate music ftw.
But you left off flavor of the week (weak?)
I'm in on the Fantasy Baseball. Send me the details.
Camelot is correct, props to Steve. The handbook recommends penicillin for most strains of strep; for penicillin resistant amoxicillin is recommended; bicillin isn't even mentioned.
And here I was thinking it had to be My Fair Lady! But what better thing to do than not work on a ToK presentation but instead comment on Daniel's blog.
Speaking of which, the glory days of a ToK blog are so long past it saddens me. Then again Ms. Walden doesn't seem to require we do anything in order to do well in the class.
Mad props to Steve.
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