Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wednesday has passed, and I didn't really this post will count as Wednesday's. It's not like Thursday is of any significance classes, just work and chorale practice. And with the concert Saturday, and rehearsal every day of the week except for today (now yesterday (confused yet?)), even chorale is lessened in meaning.

This entry will be a quick update on what I'm reading (no links, look them up yourself). First and foremost is Andrew Eames's "The 8:55 to Baghdad," a well-written, interesting account of the author's journey by train along the same route followed by Agatha Christie that inspired "Murder on the Orient Express." Next on my list is "1491," an account of the Americas before Europeans arrived. It's a fascinating read, not least because it counters everything I ever read about the Indians. Sorry, Native Americans. I'll try to be PC where there's a written record...

Next on the agenda is Richard Dawkins's "The G-d Delusion," which I heard parts of as a book on tape, but never actually finished. Likewise to a degree with "Gravity's Rainbow," by Thomas Pynchon. I've started it a couple times, but never passed the fiftieth page. Hopefully I'll make more progress this time...when I finally get around to reading it. And eventually I'll make my way to "The Rising Tide," by Jeff Shaara, my absolutely necessary war book, a fictionalized account of World War II in North Africa. Apparently it's the first in a trilogy, which bodes well for my reading pleasure.

I also picked up another book that turned out to be part of a series, this time the last book in said series. Robin Hobb's "Renegade's Magic," my choice for fantasy reading, turned out to be a rather poor choice. Whether it's because my standards are set rather high (ironic for a fantasy/sci-fi fan, no?) or because I didn't read the first two books, I just can't get into the book. Alas, I shall have to return it to the stack of ARCs at the bookstore, and pick up another. If anyone has an author or book in particular they'd like to see, drop me a line. I may be able to do something about it.


andrew said...

What's with the radcliffe pic?

Anonymous said...

He makes me feel all bunny-silly on the inside! Kupo, kupo, kupooooooooo!