Monday, February 04, 2008

Fuck Yeah!

And the Giants won the Superbowl! The Giants won the Superbowl! What an amazing game...what an amazing experience. I am so insanely happy right now...also, my blog got nearly 250 hits yesterday. Thank you again to the Giants, this time for traffic. YES! For all of you who wanted/expected a perfect season for the Patriots: IN YOUR FACE!

Going hiking tomorrow near the AT...if I can get up in time. It's been an interesting night...GO GIANTS! Now for the Red Sox to win another World Series, and the year will be complete. Countdown to opening day on the right, folks.


Jackson said...

You are certainly not alone in your sentiments. :)

A nation celebrates with you!

achilles3 said...

i don't get it?
why are you a giants fan again?

DanEcht said...

I claim it's my Grandad's fault :)