Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And the votes are in...

Or not. Or some infinitesimally small percentage of votes are in, and CNN is projecting winners anyway. Do they honestly believe over there that calling the winner with thirty percent of the ballots counted is actually going to turn out accurately? Number crunching be damned...I'll count my eggs when they hatch, thanks very much.

Going with the projections temporarily...Huckabee is making a surprisingly strong showing, although he almost certainly won't win another state after tonight. Romney is performing well in places with religious nutjobs (Utah, anyone?), and McCain is kicking some conservative butt. On the other side of the playing field, Hillary is making it quite clear that Obama isn't in the clear quite yet. Another complaint: how come it's always a projected winner, and never an actual count of the number of delegates won? Anyways...here's my plan for good tickets on both sides, president coming first...



Both of those are dangerous tickets. The democratic ticket I feel speaks for itself, and Huckabee appeals to those of us living below the Bible Belt.

And now to bed...class starts up at nine tomorrow morning, and I want to be showered and at breakfast by eight twenty. I made one bet on the Superbowl, by the way, and it turns out I lose even though I did bet on the Giants. It had nothing to do with a points spread...rather, I bet a friend that if the Pats won, I would hang a picture of a shirtless Tom Brady on my door. If the Giants won, as they did in style, she would wear a Giants hat around campus for a few weeks. The catch: I have to buy the hat. I'm pretty sure I got cheated somehow...


Anonymous said...

...as opposed to the shirtless Albus Dumbledore picture you already have on your door?

Anonymous said...

Your title is relevant to the posting. Nice job on the followthrough.

andrew said...

well at one point, ron paul was forecasted to win...I don't remember what state...but they had 0% reporting.

Firefox is telling me that "forecasted" isn't a word.