Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This is rich

This is absolutely hilarious. Another sad day for the Butler County Republican Party, and apparently so groundshaking that the college Democrats group sent out a Facebook message. The text was this:

Butler County is the keystone to the Republican presidential nominee winning the state of Ohio. Something happened there just today that could rock the local Republican Party, allow the local Democratic Party to win some seats back and, in the process, deliver Ohio to the Democrats.

Nice. That's called funny. Plus, maybe it's true. Or, maybe it's not. Maybe the Butler County Republicans are used to their elected officials screwing around with legality. It's just business as usual. I am actually be a lot more impressed with Ted Strickland becoming governor than I am with yet another Republican official being shown to be dirty.


As pro bono humor: you can't spell Fundamentalist without Fun! Or Mental...

1 comment:

PHSChemGuy said...

Let me follow up with these Butler Co Republicans who are also clear winners...

Butler Race Bitingly Personal