Thursday, December 20, 2007


I learned the hard way yesterday that "ex-students" may not visit the school during the school day. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hi
Security Guard: Can I help you?
Me: Yeah, I'd like to visit a few teachers
Security Guard: Do you have an appointment?
Me: Um...sure.
Security Guard: Are you a student?
Me: Well, I'm an ex-student...
Security Guard: You can't visit now. You can come back after school is over.

That pretty much covers it...but why can't I come in? The security guards all know me from the four years I walked the halls as a student. They know I'm no real threat to anybody. Are they worried I'd cause a distraction in class? On the last day of school before break, no less? They're right, I'd probably just crash the class party, and nobody wants that. I didn't really want to swing back around that afternoon, but I'll be back. Look for me when school's back in session - after school is over, of course. I wouldn't want to disrupt class.

And the obligatory video link: It was pretend to be a time traveler day two Saturdays ago, and this is what resulted.


andrew said...


achilles3 said...

sneak in next time
that's what the ex teachers do!