Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bravo, I suppose

Just finished with the Giants-Patriots football game. Glad the NFL Network decided to let it be seen after all. Why on both NBC and CBS, though?

Of course, the result is more important than the broadcasting networks. I suppose a congratulatory comment is due to the now 16-0 New England Patriots, so here goes: Congratulations.

Sorry if I couldn't muster much enthusiasm. If you'll recall, I don't particularly like the Patriots, and I thought for much of the game that the Giants (yay!) would win. Sadly, they wasted lots of time on their last scoring drive, and kicked the onside right into the Patriots' hands. Final score: 38-35 Pats, and a great game despite the outcome. Both teams are in the playoffs, and we just might see them play each other again. Maybe.

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