Sunday, December 02, 2007

You know, just because

It'd be nice if my dorm room was warmer than 50 degrees all the time. I have found that shivering is not conducive to doing work. I'm wearing my coat all the time, and I try as much as possible to work in places where their heaters either a.) work, or b.) are not counteracted upon by a large window that serves to suck all the warmth out of the room.

Cold is good. I like cold. Walked four miles to and from Wal-mart yesterday in the sub freezing weather. I can deal with cold in places where I should have to. But is my room really one of those places? Is it really necessary that I should have trouble bending my fingers after spending an hour working at my desk? Note to self: space heater. Yesterday I had boiling tea in the morning to help me wake up/warm me up. I left it sitting for ten minutes while I write some emails. I then take a sip - cold as ice. It's currently about 20 degrees outside. That's fine. I'm inside. Unfortunately, inside is about 45 degrees. That's just not cool.

I don't want to whine too get it, I'm cold. Get over it, I will be told, I who willingly went to the frozen north, submitting myself to four years of snow and temperatures better dealt with by running south. On a lighter, brighter note, some amount of snow will fall tonight and tomorrow. Projected accumulation is anywhere from six to twenty inches. Did I hear somebody say snowball fight?

I'm going to go stick my fingers in the microwave to warm them up. Until I write again, Ciao!


andrew said...

just for kicks, boil lots and lots of water in your room, and then watch it condense on the window and make a mess :D

I don't suppose you have curtains, or you would've closed then and your room would be significantly warmer. Duct tape a bed sheet over the window instead :D

DanEcht said...

Hmm...I'm actually gonna have to say no to that idea. Thanks, though.

No curtains, sadly. I've stuffed newspaper into every drafty part of the window I can find. Next up: plywood.

joey said...

blinds do wonders. and im about as addicted to tea as sunflower seeds now. or i mean, basically anything warm.