Friday, December 07, 2007


So the first semester of college is almost over. It's been good to me, bad to me, cruel to me, and kind to me. I've made friends, enemies (although no arch enemies - yet), and in between. I've experienced college life, from drunken morons peeing in the stairwell at two in the morning to the Christian Fellowship, with possibly the nicest people I'll ever meet. (Sorry, not converting). I've discovered that college is like high school, with the same drama, the same cliques, and the same prejudices. I've discovered that college is unlike high school, with more freedom, more fun, and more alcohol. (Can't say I've indulged - excessively, at least. And yes, I know who's reading this, and no, that isn't really affecting what I write).

But the first semester is almost over. I'll be home in a little more than a week. Back to my old room, my old friends, my old life. Except it will be different. I'll be different. I'm excited to see all my old friends - but will I feel the same with them as I did four months ago? The answer is likely yes, but it might not be the same next year. You never know. I'll be able to drive a car freely for the first time when I come home - will a curfew be imposed? Something that didn't matter for all of high school - I got my license two days before arriving in Maine - is about to matter. And I have no idea how.

Not everything is changing. Some things are the same. I say the same stupid things, act the same immature idiot. I can fake maturity when I need to, but deep down I'm just a goof. I like being a goof. It's an identity. And yet even though I'm the same on the outside, I've been changed by college. I've tasted freedom. I don't know if I want to turn back.

Of course, the most likely choice is D: none of this will matter, and I'll be home and gone again so quickly that it will be like nothing happened. Next summer, we'll see. It's going to be a whole different ballgame...and I don't know if I want to play.

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