Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Final Exams Suck

Well, two exams down, and two to go. Calculus and biology back to back = not a fun afternoon. Or morning, for that matter. Actually, they didn't go that badly. Now tomorrow I'll be studying for the chemistry final (multiple choice, sweet), and the Italian final. Hopefully I'll do better on the final than I did on the midterm. Languages, unfortunately, are not really my thing.

As a side note, I'll be traveling homeward in less than a week, and I could not be happier. Nothing breaks up monotonous college life than a lack thereof. And after two weeks at home comes a month of one class days, with little to do other than read medieval German literature. Not by choice, mind you, but because that's the subject of the course. I've put in an application for a radio show over January, and if I get it, and it goes well, I may continue that into the spring. Also, the choir is going on tour. Twice in the next four years. Spring 2009 and spring 2011. It's going to be lots of fun. The thought is that Argentina will be the first choice in 2009, but Europe is in the cards for 2011. Whatever the destination, it'll be a blast.


achilles3 said...

that sounds SWEET! good luck bro

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to apply for a passport when you're home from Camp Colby.