Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kind of Freaky

So like the nice boy I am, I agree to participate in a psych experiment. I'm still not exactly sure what the experiment was about, but it involved a personality test and then watching a video. When the video is over, the girl running the experiment comes in and tells me I've been secretly taped while watching the video.

Excuse me? I was just videotaped without my knowledge? In a room where I thought I was alone? So you were watching me the whole time? What if I had done something potentially embarrassing, say picked my nose? How would I feel about being videotaped picking my nose?

So from now on, I look for hidden cameras wherever I go. Nothing like being slightly freaked out to convince me to do so.


PHSChemGuy said...

Did you sign off on the project somewhere?

DanEcht said...

Yeah, I signed off before the thing started, and after they told me I was taped. I can't complain about how it was done...it just freaked me out.

ReJEcht said...

Umm... what was the video about?