Although it did just become Tuesday as I began this post...
So it's almost Thanksgiving, which is nice because it's almost the end of term. I get the end of next week off, and I'll be in Portland for five or so days. Then back to school, and two or three weeks of class and then finals, and then home again home again, until early January. I can't wait...I'm not homesick - never have been, not likely to be - but I just want off of this campus for more than a day or two at a time. I want to sleep in my old bed, see all my buddies, even visit the high school and check up with some teachers. Even if they try to turn me away, I'll just come around back and tap on some windows until I get in. I especially want to see my cat, though. Anybody who knows me knows I'm an animal lover - I work at a vet clinic, I have always owned at least one pet - and it's hard being without a pet when I'm used to seeing forty or more in a day. So I'm really glad to be coming home in a little more than a month.
This week should be light on the schoolwork...biology exam on Wednesday, but it's over basic stuff. Props to Mrs Heckman for teaching me about DNA, transcription, translation, mitosis, glycolysis, Krebs cycle and photosynthesis. I get the results of the latest chemistry exam on Wednesday too...thermochem and redox. I have the feeling I screwed up at least one thermochem question, but redox isn't a problem for me. Props to Mr. Dusch for that...Mozilla just told me that "Dusch" isn't in my dictionary.'d think of all last names that that'd be in there.
And so I begin to ramble. Please excuse me, it is past midnight, and it's been a rather extended day. Mondays are generally unfriendly; they start with calculus at eight, then chem at nine. Italian follows at ten, then bio at eleven, succeeded by lunch at noon. By one I'm in bio lab (I have a picture of gel electrophoresis I need to scan's so cool). Depending on how long lab runs, I have anywhere from an hour to ten minutes to grab my music and get to chorale by four. Then we sight read Mozart and Benjamin Britten for two hours. Then it's time for dinner with the freshman gang from the dorm (you'll eventually be introduced to most of them through this blog), and then it's work/play time. Tonight was playtime, as we didn't get much done beyond several games of Durak and watching a couple episodes of our favorite reality show (other than Survivor), The Amazing Race. There is a Colby edition of Survivor in the works, hopefully to be uploaded to Youtube before the spring semester ends. Spoiler Alert: I get voted off early!
Alright...I should probably get some sleep. As in stop blogging. Just to add a picture...
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