Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back to the old grind...

Thanksgiving is over, the leftovers are (mostly) gone, and it's about time to head back to school...actually, about four hours from now, I will be heading back. It seems interminable...perpetual agony of school...class, lab, work, repeat. But when I think about it, it's really not that bad. I have lots of free time, not much homework, and more freedom than I've ever had before. If I do have to stay up late doing work, it's more likely because of a conscious choice I made earlier to not do work rather than because of having too much to do. I actually make that choice a lot...too much, really. For example, right now I should be writing a biology lab write up that was assigned two weeks ago and is due tomorrow. If I actually sat/laid down and worked on it, it'd be done in an hour, tops. Sadly, it's taken me about five days because I lack the ability to actually do work uninterrupted. Oh well...winter break is in two/three weeks, and I'll finally be HOME! Time to pay some visits...and yes, the high school is high on the list.


andrew said...

can't forget laser web.

Or gaming parties at adrian's house.

When do you come back?

DanEcht said...

Not soon enough...actually, pretty soon. I'm headed back on the 17 of December. Definitely hitting Laser Web at least once.