When there's nothing else to do except sleep, I don't really feel like sleeping. Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days of the week, one because I have nothing to do in the evening, and the other because I have little to do all day. Radio show excepting, Thursdays are blissful (and that only because I have to wake up way too early to do the show). And yet despite the fact that I should be getting to bed, as it is past getting late and is now, in fact, late, I don't want to sleep.
Tomorrow may be hellish; I'm hosting not just one, but two prospective students, and although I have no problem with that alone, fitting them into my room should be an interesting experience. Tomorrow night is the class dinner; I have no idea why this is necessary, neither have I any idea why the theme is "Yacht Club." I don't have the heart to inform the planners of this no doubt exciting meal that I have, in fact, never been in a yacht club, and never plan on it. As it is, I will attempt to look "the part," and will wear a hideously orange polo shirt with khaki slacks. Is this an appropriate look for a "Yacht Club?"
I'm not sure why I said that tomorrow (now today) may be hellish; despite the high schoolers coming up, the day really won't be that bad. The day that could really be bad is Friday, when I have to take said high schoolers around to my classes, get rid of them, eat, work, and then spend a few hours orienting volunteers at the local animal shelter. (This way is up, this way is down, etc). I volunteered to help run/coordinate the Colby Pawpals, a group that organizes volunteering at the animal shelter. My responsibilities keep mounting...horrors.
Speaking of responsibilities, my term as dorm president will commence next fall with me residing in the same dorm, with different rules. Difference numero uno: alcohol is allowed. Hopefully the dorm won't go downhill too fast. I'll be attempting to get a single; I no longer get first pick of room in the dorm but instead pick first of all rising sophomores in the dorm. So, after the rising seniors and juniors have had their way with the rooms, I get to pick from what's left (hopefully, a single). I was planning on a triple with a couple friends, but they had the opportunity to get a better room in chem-free housing and took it. So I'll have a single, with luck, and despite the apparent rule against lofting the bed (no doubt something to do with the ever present exposed water pipes that run through the dorm), I'll cram everything in there.
I may have mentioned this before; I'll be playing softball for the Colby Christian Fellowship team, which never fails to amuse me (and others who know me). I personally just wanted to find a purpose for my glove, let alone a religious purpose. Nevertheless, a friend (the girl I beat in dorm president elections, actually) wants me to attend her church this Sunday. Um. I'll be going, but I don't plan on participating too much. I have no idea what denomination the church is, nor do I have any idea why she wants me to go. Apparently I'm too blatant in my lack of religiosity. Maybe I should take down the Nietzsche quote from my door (okay, that's a lie; no Nietzsche quote...yet).
It is now 1:30 AM, and all is well...except that I'm at my desk typing, not in bed sleeping, or even reading. I really can't think of anything else to write about...the Red Sox lost painfully to the Yankees, a defeat made more painful by the arrival of four Yankees fans right when Timlin loaded the bases. My fantasy baseball team is in an absolute rut, although I am buoyed by: 1) I have good players and 2) they can't stay cold forever and 3) the other teams have to cool off sometime...right? Anyhow, I'm off to finally get in bed. I think I'll read if I can't drop off right away...I'm rereading Douglas Adams, and also "The Kings of New York," about a high school chess team. Until later.
Church? Seriously?
too long :)
Andrew makes a motion for executive summaries at the head of each post.
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