Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting back in the swing of things

I feel vaguely guilty that I have been inconsistent (at best) in posting lately. I'm not sure why I haven't been recapping every day with a blog post. I could say it has something to do with time constraints, but that would be a lie. I post at night/early morning for a reason, and that's because there is a complete lack of other things to do...well, almost complete. But usually by midnight on a weekday and one or two on weekends (in this case, almost three), things have quieted down and I'm back in my room and relatively sober. And then...I go to bed. Surprise. Perhaps I'll put a little note up that says "Blog, stupid," or something like that. It could work.

Anyway, per Andrew's request at my last disjointed ramble of thoughts, here is a short synopsis of the topics I will cover. I'm not sure why I'm writing this before the rest of the post, as my tendency to digress will probably render it useless.

So I will come back to summarize start the train of thought a-chugging away...later today is room draw, which I have to be at as kind of a mere formality. But of course it's more than that, because as of right now, despite being dorm president, I don't actually have a room. While I agree that it's a good idea to not put a lot of emphasis of the rooming benefit part of being a dorm president, I think that I should at least be able to pick the room that I particularly want rather than having limited options when it comes to getting my room. As long as there's a single available I'm happy...I shall see.

Red Sox lost again, the fourth time in a row. Devil Rays are awful, and Buchholz was amazing(ly unlucky). Thank goodness the bullpen didn't need to come in.

Watched Casablanca tonight. What an amazing movie. Personally I prefer Lauren Bacall to Ingrid Bergman, but whatever. Next weekend I'm setting aside an entire afternoon/evening to watch Lawrence of Arabia. I wish people still smoked in movies. Now that smoking isn't PC, it's no longer cool with Hollywood to smoke. And yet there is nothing sexier than Lauren Bacall sliding through the door in "To Have and Have Not?" I don't think so.

Fortified my health today.

The fish is still alive, which is good. This makes two weeks, which for a free goldfish is something of a record for me...although I'm not sure how many fish I've actually had (two? less). I went for the little furry cute things, although the last hamster I had was insane and not really cute.

Played softball today, which was fun. Got a hit all five times I came to the plate, and pitched just about the whole game. The only bad thing about that was having to pitch from about thirty feet away from the batter. I got hit twice, once on the arm by a line drive and once by a bouncer that took an amusing path. It hit me in the thigh, bounced up, and came down on top of my head. Fun.

Being knowledgeable about the Civil War (more so than the average college freshman at least) has its perks. Apparently Shipyard Brewery makes something called "Chamberlain Pale Ale," which has a portrait of a man in a Union Civil War uniform on the label. I was able to inform friends of the man's identity as Joshua Chamberlain, Civil War general from Maine (a professor at Bowdoin, actually) who came back to Maine after the war and became governor for a few years.

It's random shit like that that gets me strange looks. One of my friends actually assumed I am a Mainer based on that. Nope, just a person who remembers odd things. Thank you, Jeff Shaara.

That's pretty much it...I feel like sleeping. I'm actually not going to go back to the synopsis...sorry, Andrew.

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