Chuck Norris has endorsed Mike Huckabee. How can you deny a man the right to be president when he has the greatest man alive behind him? Actually, I say get rid of Huckabee and just elect Chuck Norris.
As an aside: Is this color combination legible? Also, I'm back in snowy, cold Maine. Hooray!
The combo is totally legible.
Huckabee isn't the candidate for me, no matter the endorsements he gets. His supporters are a coalition of the born-again Christians and the home schoolers - two groups with whom I find myself rarely, if ever, aligned.
Huckabee holds absolutely no appeal for me - Obama or Edwards when the time comes. Of course, if Hillary is the candidate, I won't hesitate to vote for her either. Anything to keep the Republicans from holding the White House, really.
Chuck Norris.
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