Time to deliver what I promised...unfortunately, the video is unembeddable. As a side note, McCain won Florida. Oh, and check this out. Hilarious. And one more thing: four hour slot tonight on the radio, 6-10. Listen up, and go ahead and call in a request. Anything but Crazy Frog...and nothing with swears, please. Fort Minor is sadly out...
McCain promises less jobs and more war...no thanks
If I call in and request Crazy Frog will you play it?
I'll take McCain over the other republicans any day. Then again, that's not saying too much, since I really dislike all of them.
Don't like hillary, won't vote for obama, all of the republicans suck (cept for Huckabee if he takes Colberto as a running mate).
Looks like hillary is the front runner in that match up.
And, randomly, is bowling with a wrist brace of some sort banned?
I'm not sure about wrist braces...I know that guys on the pro circuit wear fingerless gloves, but that's all I know.
And McCain promises a realistic scenario in Iraq. It's not more war, it's better handling the war we have.
McCain? Seriously? Apparently we didn't drop you on your head enough. Have you read his issues page http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/95b18512-d5b6-456e-90a2-12028d71df58.htm? Did you read what he said on Beliefnet http://www.beliefnet.com/story/220/story_22001_1.html#extndVer? While he might be the most palatable choice among the Republican candidates, surely you don't intend to vote for this guy?
I don't know who I'm voting for yet...but until the Democrats stop flinging shit at each other and start talking progress...
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