Friday, September 05, 2008


The first halfweek of classes is over and done with, and I am pleased to report that everything is under control. O-chem seems manageable, even if it is reputedly difficult (an understatement?). Bacteriology should be fun, and I'm happy to finally be doing real labs rather than the intro stuff. Italian...I can understand words in context. It's an immersion course, and I can understand the teacher almost all of the time. Writing is a different story. And the Sparta seminar meets for the first time next Tuesday...more on that later.

I'm working at the bookstore again. Fun.

Oh, and Cake and the Winterpills are playing here October 3rd. So, you know. More fun

1 comment:

andrew said...

HAH! Just you wait on that ochem stuff.

You guys started labs yet?