Thursday, September 25, 2008

And another thing

Remember, a while back, when I mentioned my theory that Google is taking over the world? Well, it's happening again. And in my own small way, I'm helping. Hopefully the Google army will spare loyal users. What am I raving about, I hear you ask?

I speak of Google Chrome, of course. Google continues to expand in the web, taking over more and more of our daily wanderings through the vast unknown. Now we have Chrome, an actual browser. So if I wanted to, I could start up my computer and chat in Google Talk, browse around using Chrome, spy on Google's enemies with Google Earth...the possibilities are endless, and I don't even have to touch a non-Google product, except the actual computer and OS. But I'm sure those are being worked on. Not to mention Android, which I just stumbled across. And we can't forget that Google buys web startups like they're going out of style. Which they certainly won't be, if all the promising ones get bundles of money from Google.

I'd honestly like to say some good things about Chrome, but I can't just yet. I haven't had it long enough, for one thing; I downloaded the beta last night to give it a try. I am writing this post in Chrome, but there's nothing stopping me from starting up Firefox, unlike how Firefox has rendered me unwilling to use IE or Safari (granted I have separate issues with the latter). The conservative (read: spartan) design of the browser is welcome, if a little disconcerting. When I started it up for the first time, it offered to get all my passwords and my browsing history from Firefox, which gave me a little bit of a shock. Having all my passwords saved in Firefox is one thing when the computer has its own password, but Chrome being able to communicate with Firefox for my personal information impressed and scared me, as simple as the task is. Not that it really matters, seeing as they already have my password to Gmail.

I'll cut the rambling short here. I'm not recommending Chrome; we'll see if I stick with it or just go to Firefox by force of habit. If you want to, read more about it here.


andrew said...

Ah, yes. Chrome.

I have it, but am still a Firefox junkie. My precious apps, extensions, and tweaks don't yet exist for Chrome.

joey said...

firefox's search bar still astounds me. one of the things i loved about opera was that i could make custom searches. like in the address bar if i typed "youtube family guy" it would search for family guy on youtube, without me needing to go to the site first. firefox does that anyways, without me needing to specify a lot of the time. really neat.

and yea, chrome would be nice, if it didnt have massive slowdowns seemingly randomly. i think its still in the coding because the memory usage stays low. whatever, im sure in a year or so it will be a viable alternative and possibly a competitor.

microsoft just really, really, really needs to start to slowly back away from explorer (/dreaming)