Monday, August 25, 2008

That was awesome..

Just got back from my first time white water rafting, and it was freaking sweet. The student government went up the Kennebec River to Crab Apple Rafting, where we got guides that took us twelve miles down the river, through rapids and slow spots. Getting tossed off the boat by a wave was simultaneously one of the scariest and coolest moments of my life. Underwater, with my head bumping the bottom of the boat, all I could think was, "shoot, and on the last rapid, too." I popped up downstream of the boat and swam back to it. Amazing experience. We also got to get out and swim around in the river as the current took us downstream. I'd say we probably floated around for a mile before getting back in the raft. Six of us in the raft, along with the guide, made for some awesome wave hits. I got soaking wet and swallowed plenty of river water - which is okay, because we were right at the mouth of the Kennebec - but I was loving every minute of it.

Freshmen get on campus tomorrow, and I have to be up early to help them move in. There are already a few bouncing around campus, looking a little lost, trailing their parents. Tomorrow most of the upperclassmen on campus, myself included, are talking to the freshmen about safe drinking habits. Should be a fun time.


Anonymous said...

Main Entry: up·per·class·man
Pronunciation: \ˌə-pər-ˈklas-mən\
Function: noun
Date: 1871
: a member of the junior or senior class in a school or college

ReJEcht said...

Oh, you got blurned. Not just burned, but Blurny burned.

achilles3 said...

wicked jealous...i need to do that SOON!

cmorin said...

I went to the New River in West Virginia. It was amazing. We went when the water was at flood levels.... intense. The Gauley River in the same area is supposed to be even more intense; thats my next step.

DanEcht said...

The water was just below flood levels, which was intense. Apparently Maine white water is very hard for guides; certification in Maine is accepted everywhere but Montana and Colorado.

andrew said...

I've only been "white water" rafting once, and it was pretty weak (hence the quotes). I need to go do it again on a real river/rapids/thing.

And only slightly tangentially related: