Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden Fiden bo-Biden

So the presumptive Democratic candidate has presumed to make his choice for running mate, and it's Joe Biden. Long time senator from Delaware, blah blah blah. One the one hand, he provides needed experience to the ticket. On the other, he's a three time failed presidential candidate and a plagiarizer. He also made that nice little gaffe, "You cannot go to 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts without a slight Indian accent." Thank you, come again Senator Biden.

Biden isn't a bad choice. Was he the best choice? Possibly. For a candidate inexperienced with foreign policy and Washington, Biden is a good counterpart. Now for the conventions and McCain's vice pick. Obama-Biden '08. It'll take getting used to, but it just might be a winning ticket.


andrew said...

You gotta admit that its pretty awesome that the guy who said that Obama was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" is now the running mate of none other than Obama.

Wow...that sentence was Hawthorne-esque in length.

achilles3 said...

Biden's best quote:
"A noun, a verb and 9-11"