Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A day in the life

Freshmen are all moved in, and the upperclassmen and us sophomores are moving around campus trying not to bump into them too much. They have their own schedule of lecture after lecture telling them not to be stupid, and we have some things of our own today. For instance, today I learned how to dress for a student government meeting (business casual, if you were curious), how to write a newsletter for the dorm, and a few names that I'll forget within a few days.

For some reason my schedule of orientation gets busier over the weekend. Tomorrow we finish up at nine, Friday at 11:30 (pm), and Saturday at nine. Over the next few days I will learn how to be an effective student leader. Hopefully. Not too appealing to sit down for hours on end and listen to people read off pieces of paper. But it'll be over soon enough. And classes!

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