Thursday, May 01, 2008

True Story

If you've never heard of Gregg Jackson, you're missing out. Colby was wonderful enough to have this gentleman come and speak to the leftist mob, telling us all (twenty of us? twenty five?) about how Islam is evil and not the religion of peace, that homosexuality is unhealthy and wrong, that the left is destroying America through attacks on our foundational values, and that Christianity rules. We also learned that lazy hypocritical Republicans are to blame as well, and in Jackson's opinion are the biggest threat to America, but I was too impressed by his ignorant attacks on Islam and the "Left," as he called it, to pay much attention by that point. I took detailed notes of the whole thing, however, and some of the highlights include

Three threats to the survival of the United States: Islamic jihad, The Left, and Apathetic, Hypocritical, Lazy, etc Christian Republicans.

Europe is dead, citing "Londonistan" , and we are close to electing a president with links to Islamic militants: Barack Hussein Obama.

The Left is telling countless lies: about global warming, telling kids (indoctrinating our youth) that gays are acceptable; they are trying (and have been since WWI) to set up a "humanist theocracy" that would set man above G-d, they are teaching evolution (more indoctrination), amorality and moral relativism, self-actualization (which apparently is bad), trying to institute a society of classlessness, abolish natural marriage and destroy the traditional family, and establish socialism and globalism, which would invite micromanagement of the US by the UN.

Soon to come because of the Left are socialized health care and major rationing, Orwellian hate crime laws, increased illegal immigrants, and increased amounts of international law superseding US laws.

Democrats enjoy illegal immigrants because these illegals vote for them.

The Founding Fathers were religious; so should we be. Madison based the idea of separation of powers on Isaiah 33:22, Christian conservatives need to stop compromising, abortion is and always will be evil, G-d has blessed the US and will turn away from us if we keep killing babies.

The nation needs supernatural healing, and it is time to humble ourselves before G-d.

Now...that's fun, right? A man who is devoutly Christian (who styled himself a "Jewish-believing Christian,") is obviously far to the right (although critical of other conservatives, and is, quite frankly, slightly insane. To attack the Muslim faith like that, and then to argue on in the question and answer session after the talk (which took much longer than the talk itself) against a real Muslim...that takes balls. Or a lack of a brain. Either could be true. Calling Christianity a religion of peace, he dismissed the Inquisition and Crusades as non-scriptural based and therefore irrelevant. He didn't seem to know about the Huguenots or the rule of the Moors in Spain.

Repeated questioning by members of the GLBTQ Alliance revealed that he thinks that homosexuality is a mental disorder and should not be explained to our children as acceptable (or, horror of horrors, good). He cited many studies showing decreased life expectancy in homosexuals as showing that homosexuality is unhealthy, and ignored or scoffed at the repeated suggestion that lower life expectancy could be linked to higher suicide rates linked to a social stigma caused by homophobes such as himself.

Listening to this fellow was funny at first, but quickly became infuriating. Because of his religion, he assured us, he was always right. He pressured the Muslim student on whether she believed in everything the Koran says, to which the response came asking him if he believed everything the Bible told him, especially the Torah. That shut him up temporarily. We heard about how his idea of foreign policy in Iran would be to "stand by our ally Israel" and use pinpoint strikes on known nuclear sites in Iran. The Republican party, that of Lincoln and of Reagan, will always be superior, according to Mr. Jackson.

Civility was maintained, surprisingly enough, but I'm fairly sure just about everybody in the room, conservatives included, just wanted to hit him.

Anyways, I need to go to bed, and thinking about this idiot is just making me mad. May G-d bless and keep idiots like him...far away from me. Kudos if you get the reference.


Anonymous said...

Who invited that yahoo to campus (and what was his speaker's fee)?

Waterville? Now that's a funny name for a shtetl.

BTW, McCain refers to the Republicans as the party of Lincoln, TR, and Reagan. Compare TR's progressive policies (including national health insurance, part of TR's 1912 platform - okay, he'd left the GOP) to Reagan's policies, and you wonder where that train jumped the tracks (sometime around 1980).

achilles3 said...

i have so much trouble digesting the "other" side these days...
dude looks like someone i'd soon smack even before he started spewing his ignorant brand of high and mighty hate...
ick and ugh

andrew said...

down in the deep south here in coloumbus, we had Al Gore stop by today. Good stuff.

And he totally pwn3d a nut job heckler, who had a similar agenda to the subject of this blog post.