Sunday, May 18, 2008

Three Days

Yeah, that's right, Penelope Cruz.

Anyways...the point of the post was to take pleasure in the simple fact that a.) in three or four hours I'll be down to one exam left, and on Tuesday I'll be leaving campus for a good long while. Ignoring the fact that my summer jobs are falling through, leaving me with unpleasant thoughts as to where I'll end up...(I absolutely refuse to work for Kings Island again), I'm looking forward to getting out of here. Come tomorrow afternoon I'll start packing up everything that's not already at my grandparents' house (which is not much), and Monday evening I'll sit back with a friend, a long movie (Lawrence of Arabia) and relax. Finally. I should be cramming for the chemistry final that's in an hour and a half...but that's why I got up early, and besides, it's multiple choice. Gotta love the ACS.

Monday is Italian, which I have a hate-hate relationship with. I think I'll head outside and study in the sun (somehow the rain that was predicted for last Thursday still hasn't come, and the skies are clear as can be). Campus is gradually emptying, which is kind of freaky, but at least all the seniors are here. Winter break was fun for leaving late because there were fewer than a hundred kids spread across campus. So few people...

So I should get back to studying...but really, why study when I can just go to Hollywood and get a job as a stunt double for any of my celebrity look alikes? I'm sure I'd make a great Amisha Patel (whoever the hell she is).

OH...Note to self: $7.50 back for a textbook that cost at least $80 (I don't want to know how much it really was) at the beginning of the year? Not a good deal.


andrew said...

Clearly, you should be stunt doubling in Bollywood.

I hear that if you sell books back a week or so before the end of the year, you get top dollar for them.

Fail for pickpocketing Hoey's blog for a pic :)

Speaking of fail, you should check out, good stuff.

And you should check out the music of E.S. Posthumus, some really epic stuff.

Yay for ADDness+caffeine!

andrew said...

Hoey = Joey btw...turning on the light to type might be a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Figured I'd finally comment while you're off doing gods-know-what. Here's hoping that the Italian final didn't completely do you in.

And yes, the $7.50 was a rip-off. I particularly enjoyed the way in which you threw the wad of cash angrily to the ground.

joey said...

chang kai-chek > penelope cruz

but not by much...