Saturday, October 04, 2008

I see skies of blue...Clouds of white...

For the first time in a long time, there are clear skies. Or mostly clear. Weathermen would call it partly cloudy. But the important thing is that it's not raining for once.

Important things: The Red Sox are up 2-0 over the Angels, to my joy and my friend's (an Angels fan) anger. The Cake concert was excellent; also the Winterpills were amazing, and I got their new album.

Answers for Andrew: Yes, Yes, and it went pretty well. Ah, Perry debaters...

Music for everyone!

SeeqPod - Playable Search


andrew said...

Did you see the new google feature where they use your IP to locate where you are, to customize your search? It's a little creepy.

achilles3 said...

I would love to be debating right now.