I haven't posted in a while. Too long. So, here's some life updates, and some fun links at the end to keep you engaged.
Right now I'm finishing the second month of my internship at CDC/NIOSH. This is what I've been doing. It's not too bad, and it certainly pays well. In the meantime, I've been reading, playing video games, applying to veterinary schools, taking the GRE, and not sleeping enough. Essentially it's just like school, but without the work.
So I turn 21 in a week...that's pretty weird. The plan is to splurge on nice stuff at Jungle Jim's, and break into the world of legal drinking as a change from the world of college drinking. And then, you know, go back to school and drink cheap beer for another year. At least I'll have my gin to keep me company, right?
WRONG. Colby banned hard alcohol on campus. Whoa. So the line from campus security is that students who are over 21 can have hard alcohol, but they have to keep it on the downlow, and no providing underage students with liquor. I'm waiting for a few weeks before taking the chance. Especially since I live in a substance free dorm where alcohol is expressly forbidden. Ah well.
So that's pretty much it for the life updates. Some quick book reviews. Read Bill Bryson. Read everything he's ever written. When you've finished with that, read The Possessed, and learn all about Russian literature, and a lot else besides. Finally, read The Lonely Polygamist for a fictional take on life in Utah.
I have more, but I'll save them. Now some music.
That's it for now. More frequent updates possibly in the future.
really dug that tune! thanks Dan
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