Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Well then...

A couple of months ago I tried making root beer in my dorm room. It's pretty simple: yeast, sugar, water, and extract. Unfortunately, I let it ferment too long, and ended up with a slightly alcoholic mess. At some point I want to try again.

Right now, though, I'll have to settle for IBC. I've made sort of a habit of trying different root beers that I come across, with the most eclectic being "Old Soaker," made in Bar Harbor. There are quite a few tiny breweries in Maine, I've discovered, and some that are not so tiny. It's a big plus that I'll be 21 next year, and able to sample a full range of products, instead of just the root variety.

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

a 21 year old dan...watch out world!