Sunday, October 28, 2007

Turning Point

I've resolved to actually make this blog worth reading. That statement basically boils down to posting regularly and mentioning interesting stuff. Of course, interesting stuff is judged by my standards, so this resolution may not make any difference. Starting today, though, I will hopefully be making this blog something notable.

I'll start off my new direction with something I found really neat: the new Radiohead album In Rainbows. Even the New York Times commented on the method of distribution of the new album, which was offering the whole album for download for whatever price people were willing to pay. I myself did not pay excuse is being a poor college student. However, many did pay money for the album despite having the option to get it for free.

I'd like to think that this demonstrates something about humanity - that overall we are a generous species, willing to give without being forced. The same kind of goodness that is demonstrated when a charity drive succeeds easily was put on show when Radiohead tried to give away their album. I know it seems silly, but the truth is that this means a lot to me - that the human race is good, deep down inside. We may have some problems, but it's good to know that we're not all bad. Even if it's only a silly little thing like the new Radiohead album.

Which, by the way, is pretty good. Not the quality of previous Radiohead, but still good. Especially when you can have it for free.

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