Tuesday, July 10, 2007


So again, there is a gap. Oh well. As I sit on my couch writing this, I am compelled to make some acknowledgment of the huge pause between posts. Or maybe not...I have no readers, so perhaps it doesn't matter what I do or do not do with this post. I can continue on, appearing blissfully ignorant of the month long hiatus I have apparently taken. The best part is, I don't really have an excuse. Others may go on vacation and be unable to post; they make a note of that when they return to post again. I, on the other hand, am simply too lazy or too distracted to write. I guess if I had some readers, I would care more. But because I don't, I fail to find it in me to apologize for my absence. Since it went unnoticed anyway, why bother?

Alright then. Now that my whining is out of the way...I am in need of sleep. Sadly, there is a little thing called a job that requires my presence in an hour. Sigh...but nevertheless, I soldier on! Until next time, my nonexistent readers!